Yuba County Jail Seeking State Funds for Expansion

YUBA, Calif. — While two major law enforcement renovation projects are underway, including a new juvenile hall and sheriff’s department, Yuba County is seeking state funds to expand the county jail. This will include new classrooms, and an upgrade to the medical and mental health treatment space.

The Yuba County supervisors all approved the project and have started an application to the state for a share of the construction funds available so they can boost inmate treatment programs. The funding would be provided by the Board of State and Community Corrections. The County Administrative Services Director, Doug McCoy said that the funding is designed for programs to lessen the number of repeat offenders and as many as 30 counties will be seeking the funding.

Yuba County Sheriff Steve Durfor said that funding would help his department expand programs that are already in place that have become more important during the prison realignment. They would be expanding these programs due to the longer stay of post alignment inmates.

The funding applications are due by Aug. 28. Although the proposals can be for up to $20 million, McCoy does not believe that Yuba County will ask for the full amount of funding.

If Yuba County is chosen, the jail would be expanded on the Fifth Street side, in Maryville, where there is a lawn and ramp to the main building. Supervisor Mary Jane Griego said that there is a great need for this in the community.

The county is also in the planning process for a grant funded $18 million Tri- County Juvenile Detention facility. The center will be shared by Yuba and the surrounding counties of Sutter and Colusa.

The staff at Yuba County Jail reports that the current jail is lacking in space for classrooms and mental/medical health treatment centers. Sheriff Durfor said that the current design of the medical treatment center is from the mid to late 1990s and needs an update. The funding would not go towards a new staff, but would go towards the renovation, furnishing and equipment needed for the facility.

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