
Bite-Resistant Clothing

BitePRO® Bite Resistant Clothing offers protection from human bites and is made out of high-performance fabric Cut-Tex® PRO. Numerous organizations worldwide have been provided with BitePRO® bite resistant clothing that helps to prevent human teeth penetrating the other person’s skin—and subsequently eliminates the risk of infection and cross contamination following a human bite.

Protection from human bites are important for numerous reasons:

  • A skin break increases the risk of infection and makes it necessary to be sure tetanus shots are up to date.
  • A skin break is often obvious but can be tough to tell in some cases.
  • Anything that looks like the top layer of skin has come off should be considered a skin break.
  • Wound infection occurs in 9% to 50% of human bites.
  • Risk of severe infection is particularly high in bite injuries.