Meet the New Correctional News Columnist

Beginning in 2010, Alex Fox will author a regular technology column for Correctional News that will address issues and trends involved with technology at correctional facilities.

Fox will serve as Correctional News’ resident security technology expert, tapping into 29 years of experience at the Massachusetts Department of Corrections.

“My experience with all aspects of operations as a superintendent forms the backbone of my expertise in the areas of technology and security,” Fox says. “Without that backbone, basically I’d be just another technologist who knows a lot about the world of technology, but not about the application of technology in the correctional setting.”

Fox will assist by his wife Dorothy, who also recently retired from the Massachusetts DOC.

“We both have vast experience in corrections and with technology, but we have different skills and different perspectives that we bring to the table, so we won’t always say the same thing or necessarily agree,” Dorothy Fox says.

Fox will regularly answer questions from readers. E-mail your security and technology questions, comments and topic suggestions for the to

Field: Security technology
Agency: Massachusetts Department of Corrections (retired)
Role: Director of SecurityTechnology
Time Served: 29 years

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