CompuDyne Touts Recent Jail Contracts

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — CompuDyne Corporation, which specializes in security products, integration and technology, announced that it was recently award $5 million in corrections-related projects.

The company’s subsidiary, Institutional Security Systems, received an award in August for $3.3 million in projects and services at the Prince William-Manassas Regional Adult Detention Center in Virginia. The contract includes new security doors, frames, pneumatic locking hardware devices and electronic security systems.

The company was also awarded a $1.7 million contract at the youth detention center in Concord, N.C., which will be outfitted with new detention security products and electronic security systems.

The contracts are part of an increase in activity in the corrections market, according to CompuDyne, which is addressing capacity needs while state and local budgets are becoming more flexible.


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