Indianapolis Facility Achieves Reaccreditation

INDIANAPOLIS — The New Castle Correctional Facility in New Castle has achieved re-accreditation after receiving high marks following an extensive audit conducted by the American Correctional Association, according to reports.

The NCCF achieved the rare distinction of being recommended as being 100-percent compliant in not only all 63 mandatory standards, but also 100 percent on all 458 non-mandatory standards. This is the second time NCCF has received a perfect score.

The ACA audit team spent three days touring facility grounds, reviewing policies, procedures and practices, observing staff, and interviewing offenders.

The facility houses over 2,500 male offenders and includes a special treatment unit for individuals in need of mental health services. The NCCF is managed by the GEO Group, Inc. in a public-private partnership with the state of Indiana.

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