Peter Perroncello

Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office Superintendent Peter Perroncello, who manages jail operations for Sheriff Michael G. Bellotti, has been chosen to lead the National Commission on Correctional Health Care Accreditation Committee. Appointed by NCCHC Chairman Carl Bell, Perroncello will lead the panel that reviews audits of more than 450 jails and detention centers nationwide that are seeking health care accreditation.

A former president of the American Jail Association, Perroncello began his career in corrections with the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office in 1976 as a part-time correction officer. He moved up through the ranks and eventually left Norfolk County to become a superintendent with the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office before returning to the NCSO in 2007 as superintendent of jail operations. Perroncello holds a bachelor’s degree from Northeastern University and a master’s degree from Arizona State University.

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