Alcatraz Reaches Major Milestone

SAN FRANCISCO — A major anniversary is approaching for the former infamous Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary.

March 21, 2013 marks 50 years since the prison’s closure. Almost 10 years later, the National Park Service (NPS) became the stewards of the island and are holding a special event to mark the prison’s anniversary.

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Prison and Jail Construction Report Gives Snapshot of Industry

LOS ANGELES — A recent report by Los Angeles-based IBISWorld, Prison and Jail Construction in the U.S., describes the current state of the industry and projections for the future.

IBISWorld is recognized as the nation’s most trusted independent source of industry and market research. The Prisons and Jail Construction in the U.S. report gives an outline of the industry in terms of revenue, losses, growth, key players, and more.

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DOJ Seeks Control of Virgin Islands Prison

WASHINGTON — Failure by the Virgin Islands Bureau of Corrections to comply with 25 years of court orders has prompted the U.S. Department of Justice to file a motion in U.S. District Court to take over the operations of a prison there.

The Bureau of Corrections has failed to comply with court orders to improve the Golden Grove Adult Correctional and Detention Facility, according to the DOJ.

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W. Va. Governor Considering New Prison

CHARLESTON, W. Va. — West Virginia lawmakers learned that an all-time high of 1,700 people sentenced to prison remain in jails because of a lack of bed space at state Division of Corrections facilities, and that number is projected to nearly double to 3,200 in five years.
The state’s prison or prison-bound population, including those awaiting transfers from jails, topped 6,880 in April. The state estimates that those numbers will swell to 8,500 in 2016 and then to 9,700 by the end of 2020.
Acting Gov.

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Indian Firm Halts Sales of Execution Drug to U.S.

ATLANTA A pharmaceutical company in India that supplied a key lethal injection drug to at least one U.S. state and contacted to a half dozen others announced it is no longer selling the drug to American prison officials.
Kayem Pharmaceutical was fast becoming a major supplier of sodium thiopental, a sedative in the three-drug lethal injection cocktail that most of the 34 death penalty states use.

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Burned U.K. Prison Was Beset By Troubles

ARUNDEL, West Sussex An open prison where buildings burned to the ground during a riot on New Years Day was criticized in an inspection a month earlier, according to a recent report.
A team that visited Ford Open Prison several weeks before the trouble said it had serious concerns in several areas.
Team members claimed the prison was failing to prepare inmates for life outside the facility and that security was u

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