Calif. Delays Awarding Death Row Contract

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation announced late Wednesday that it has again delayed awarding a contract for the first phase of a new $356 million death row complex at San Quentin State Prison.
The extension of the period of award is for another 30 days and is the second such delay in a month.

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Officials Press Gov. to Block San Quentin Death Row Project

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. — State and local officials from Marin County are hoping Gov. Jerry Brown will scrap plans to build a new $356 million death row complex at San Quentin State Prison.
Assemblyman Jared Huffman met recently with high-ranking members of the Brown administration and said he is hopeful that they will de-authorize the project in favor of cheaper alternatives.
The 541,000-square-foot complex would contain 768 cells with 1,152 beds.

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San Quentin Lawsuit

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. — On the eve of the awarding of a contract for the first phase of new death row expansion project at San Quentin State Prison, a roadblock may have been thrown in the path of the proposed development.

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California Moves on Death Row Project

SAN QUENTIN, Calif. In spite of opposition from two state legislators, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation commenced the bidding process for the proposed construction of a new condemned inmate complex at San Quentin State Prison.
A pre-bid conference was held Aug. 26 at the prison and was attended by architectural and construction firms.

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