Wardrobe Lockers

Tiffin Metal Products, manufacturers of Sentinel Security Lockers, (including Evidence, Coin/Visitor, Refrigerated and Gun Lockers,) announces its new line of “Air-Flow” Wardrobe Lockers.

Available in various sizes using either a Powder Coated or Stainless Steel finish, these lockers have a flow of fresh air drawn through the locker, which dries items stored inside. Body Armor, requiring the most attention, has its own compartment permitting a complete flow of air around it. A safe, with a combination lock, allows for the storage of sidearms and/or other valuables such as wallets and watches, etc. Two small shelves, along with two full width shelves, (one for a briefcase and one for hats,) complete the main shelving. Contact Tiffin Metal Products, 450 Wall Street, Tiffin, OH 44883.

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