Mistaken Release Leads to Personnel Changes

DETROIT — Several employees were disciplined and an entire department was disbanded in the Michigan Department of Corrections after the mistaken release of a parole violator resulted in an alleged killing spree.

The Michigan prison official who ordered the early release of parole violator Patrick Selepak was fired, the parole officer responsible for Selepak was suspended in June, three parole officers were disciplined and four other employees were suspended with pay after a three-month internal investigation of Selepak’s mistaken release.

Selepak, who was arrested on a domestic violence charge while on parole for armed robbery in November 2005, was freed in January when he was not given a hearing after 45 days. Following his release, he allegedly murdered three people in Southeast Michigan. Selepak has pleaded guilty to the shooting and strangling of a Gennesee County man in February and said he will plead guilty to the murder of a New Baltimore couple. Selepak was allegedly accompanied by his fiancée, Samantha Bachynski, who has pleaded not guilty to the murders.

The director of the corrections department disbanded the parole supervision department, which she faults for Selepak’s early release, and placed the department’s responsibilities under the purview of the parole board. She cited lack of leadership, abuse of discretion and minimal supervision on the part of the individuals responsible for overseeing the parole department.

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