ASTM F33 Committee Reviews Standards for Corrections

ASTM International’s Committee F33 on Detention and Correctional Facilities convened at the American Jail Association conference to review several standards for correctional facilities.

The Physical Barriers subcommittee is moving forward with revised versions of test methods for doors, frames and windows (F1450, F1592), which were balloted in 2007. Although the 2005 standards are not due for mandatory review until 2010, early review to incorporate additional testing was deemed important.

The latest drafts of the revised standards were reviewed by the hollow metal task group and are ready to proceed to final balloting.

Since the detention hollow metal standard (ANSI/NAAMM/HMMA-863-04) incorporates F1450 and F1592, a revised draft of 863 was prepared and will be reviewed by the Hollow Metal Manufacturers’ Association (HMMA) Technical Committee in September.

In addition, several new standards are in development and progressing through the subcommittee phase:

• Final balloting is expected to be completed in August for the Standard Test Methods for Physical Assault on Overhead Horizontal Fixed Barriers for Detention and Correctional Facilities following the development of an impact testing apparatus that will deliver upward impacts to installed horizontal ceiling samples.

This standard completes the testing criteria for the last major piece in the security envelope and represents a valuable addition to the other physical barrier test methods.

• The hollow metal task group agreed that incorporating Guide Specifications for Stainless Steel Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (ANSI/HMMA-863, ANSI/HMMA-866) constitutes the best approach in developing the Standard Guide for Stainless Steel Detention Doors. With no need for supplementary testing for stainless steel detention doors, a draft of the Guide Specifications for Stainless Steel Hollow Metal Doors and Frames is expected to be ready for review in August.

• Work will soon begin on drafting the Standard Test Methods for Access Panels and Doors and the Standard Test Methods for Bar and Wire Mesh, which are expected to be developed as a joint effort by the F33 hollow metal task group, HMMA and the newly established division of NAAMM, the Detention Equipment Manufacturers’ Association.

• The subcommittee on operational controls is developing a new Standard Guide for the Selection of Digital Video Recording Systems for Detention and Correctional Facilities, which will augment the existing Standard Guide for the Selection of Security Control Systems (F1465-03).

• Update work is proceeding on the standards for security glazing and security fencing (F1915, F1916).

In other news, all F33 standards are published in the new ASTM Standards on Detention and Correctional Facilities, 2nd Edition. The comprehensive publication, also available on CDROM, provides design professionals with a useful resource in specifying security products and systems for correctional and detention facilities.

ASTM Committee F33 on Detention and Correctional Facilities, which meets three times per year, will reconvene in August at the American Correctional Association’s 138th Conference of Correction in New Orleans.

The approximately 150 members and four technical sub-committees of F33 have jurisdiction of over 10 ASTM standards.

Jim Stapleton is president and CEO of Habersham Metal Products Co., and the F33 technical subcommittees chairman.

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