UPDATE: Officials Issue Revised Graterford RFP

HARRISBURG, Penn. — State officials re-issued the $365 million Request for Proposals for the planned two-facility prison complex in Graterford.
Bid proposals for the State Correctional Institution Graterford East and West project are due November 5th, according to the 2nd revised rebid notice issued by the Pennsylvania Department of General Services. Philadelphia-based Hill International Inc. will continue to serve as construction manager on the design-build construction project.
As reported in Correctional News, state officials recently canceled the previous RFP in the wake of a court injunction halting the bidding process. In August, contractors filed a lawsuit claiming state officials violated state law during the first phase of the bidding process by limiting the list of prospective contract awardees.
Intended to replace the aging and overcrowded state prison in Graterford, which is situated near Skippack Township and dates to 1929, the new facilities will deliver approximately one-million square feet of operational space with a total of 4,032 beds that will accommodate of multiple security classifications.
"The objective of the project is to build a fully integrated replacement correctional facility that results in increased staffing efficiency and heightened security operations," according to wording in the revised rebid notice.
The existing 2,800-bed Graterford state prison, which is the largest maximum-security prison in Pennsylvania, housed more than 3,600 inmates at year-end 2009, according to DOC figures.
The new East facility will incorporate more than 2,000 maximum-security beds. The new West facility will include 2,000 medium-security beds, according to the rebid notice. The main housing units will incorporate single- and double-occupancy cells, with special needs cells situated in the medical unit, located in the central support building.
The East and West facilities will be located within a single secure perimeter.
A central administration building, containing the public lobby, administrative space, staff support facilities and the inmate reception area, will serve the otherwise independent medium- and maximum-security facilities.
In addition to the central administration building, the multi-building complex will also incorporate health services facilities, treatment, educational and religious space, maintenance shops, and recreational facilities and athletic fields.
Officials will hold a pre-proposal conference at the Department of General Services building October 18 at 11:00 a.m. Contact Diane Hallett at (717) 787-3194 for details.
Project documents and information are available for download from Hill International’s dedicated project Website: http://dfs.nrinet.us/hill/register.html
Edited 10-07-10

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