Hoquiam Jail Project Now Welcomes Larger Inmate Capacity

HOQUIAM, Wash. — A recently completed expansion of the Hoquiam Jail in Hoquiam will soon pay for itself, as reported by The Daily World. Police Chief Jeff Myers told the local newspaper that the newly expanded jail, which reopened April 1, now offers a greater inmate capacity. The additional bed space allows the facility to expand its contract with the Washington Department of Corrections to house felony probation violators at a cost of $85 per day.

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Benton County Will Soon Seek Jail Expansion Bids

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — Plans are nearing completion for the construction of two much-needed expansions to the Benton County Jail in Bentonville. Benton County officials have been researching the potential expansion of their county correctional facility since early 2015, and the projects are expected to officially go to bid in late January 2016. When complete, the expansions will offer more space for both misdemeanor offenders and female inmates.

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Livingston County Jail Expansion Project Nears Milestone

LIVINGSTON, Mich. — The first phase of construction on the expansion of the Livingston County Jail is now just days away from completion, and is anticipated to open in late November. The expansion will increase the jail’s current capacity of just 254 to 411, alleviating an overcrowding problem that has long plagued the county.

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North Dakota County Begins Jail Expansion Process

MINOT, N.D. — Following the approval of a $24 million bond proposal, Ward County, N.D., commissioners in Minot are now meeting with financial professionals to begin the borrowing process for a new 100-bed jail expansion. The project will more than double the size of the existing facility and received considerable community support.

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Dane County May Opt for Gradual Jail Renovation

DANE COUNTY, Wis. — Four months after they rejected a $150 million proposal to construct a new jail, Dane County, Wis., board members are now leaning toward a gradual overhaul of the county’s existing correctional infrastructure. The sweeping renovation would address a number of current deficiencies, including the lack of proper facilities for mentally ill inmates and programming space, as well as safety issues.

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