Panel Created to Review Denver Planning Process

DENVER — A panel has been created to review plans for a new courthouse in the Denver Justice Center.

Panel members will be involved in two half-day workshops, schematic design reviews, site tours and meetings with architects. Their work is to be completed by the end of January and is expected to cost between $25,000 and $50,000.

The panel is made up of three noted designers not affiliated with the project, three architects already involved and the city’s planning director. They are: Bruce Kuwabara, of Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects, Toronto; John Ellis, of Solomon E.T.C., San Francisco; Laurie Olin, of Olin Partnership, Philadelphia; Lee Becker, of Hartman Cox Architects, Washington; David Owen Tryba, of David Owen Tryba Architects, Denver; Ranko Ruizic, of AR7 Hoover Desmond Architects, Denver; and Peter Park, manager of planning and community development in Denver.

The courthouse is being designed by Denver-based Klipp Architecture, which took over after architect Steven Holl of New York withdrew from the project.

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