New Monitoring System Approved for City Jail

MARYSVILLE, Wash. — City officials approved the installation of a $247,000 computerized monitoring and door control system for the city jail in preparation for closing down the dispatch center, where the current systems are operated.

In operation since 1988, the city’s dispatch center has housed video screens and the existing control panel that has allowed police and fire dispatchers to monitor inmates and unlock jail doors remotely.

In 2006, city officials decided to close the dispatch center and distribute its services to surrounding areas. Dispatch duties are being moved to north Snohomish County’s regional dispatch center, and jail monitoring and door controls are being transferred to the jail’s records department.

The new control panel is included in a renovations plan for the city’s 37-bed facility. The Marysville jail also houses inmates for Arlington, Lake Stevens and Tulalip Tribes. All plans have a tentative completion date of January 1.

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