Virginia Treatment Center Enters Pilot Program to Track Staff, Inmates

MARION, Va. — Alanco Technologies Inc., developer of the TSI Prism officer safety and inmate tracking system, was awarded a contract to supply the system at Marion Correctional Treatment Center in Virginia.

The center is a 230-bed psychiatric facility run by the state’s Department of Corrections. The department will install the system and Alanco will provide hardware, software and other services valued at $400,000.

The DOC is using the system at the facility as a pilot project so officials can determine its effectiveness and if it should be used at other facilities. The procurement process that led to Alanco’s contract began in April 2005.

“The Virginia contract, although small, is representative of a growing backlog of new projects which have been very slowly progressing through the procurement cycle, a significant number of which we expect to finally land in the next several months,” says Robert R. Kauffman, Alanco’s chairman and chief executive officer.

The Marion facility originally opened in 1958 as a state mental hospital and was acquired by the DOC in 1980.