Safety Padding

Marathon Engineering Corporation has developed Gold Medal Safety Padding for use in providing protection in jail cells, psychiatric rooms, juvenile time-out rooms or anywhere safety is needed.

The padding can be applied to floors, walls or doors. Fire tests have shown the padding to be self-extinguishing. According to the company, the padding’s strength enables it to withstand attempts to rip, tear or gouge. The non-slip surface is fungus-resistant and can be easily cleaned.

The padding can be installed in any existing cell or be specified in new construction and is applied in sheets of 1-1/2 inch nominal thickness. Sloped floors are manufactured on 7/16-inch OSB one-inch nominal thickness fastened to a contour of sloped floor. Level floors are liquid-poured and self-leveling. There are no cracks or open seams. Doors are padded like walls. Upon completion, the entire surface of the padding is painted with a proprietary topcoat.

The padding is custom fitted to the space it is needed. Installation has been performed at jails in Cobb County, Ga.; Polk County, Iowa; San Francisco; Harris County, Texas; and Shawnee County, Kan.

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