Steel Shelters

Classic Recreation Systems Inc. introduces a line of steel shelters with functional yet attractive roofs that are custom-curved using the Curveline process. Designed to offer an aesthetic, cost-effective alternative to site-built structures, the “Colorado” curved-roof shelters come in 10 standard sizes ranging from 8 to 50 feet in width and in any length. Custom sizes are also offered. The company can curve the roofing panels to virtually any desired radii to meet design requirements.

The frames and roofing are prefabricated for fast and easy final assembly at the project site using hidden-bolt connections. Applications include building entrances or stand-alone structures, school yards, dining pavilions and concession stands, or anywhere else where shade and shelter are needed. The structures are designed to withstand 100 mph winds and 30 psf snow or live loads, but can be engineered for much greater loads if required.


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