Roof Mounting Supports

Thybar Corporation manufactures high load-bearing equipment mounting supports for roof installations of heating, ventilation and air conditioning units. The supports achieve their strength by using a series of internal bulkheads welded into position at specific intervals along the length of the rails. Standard construction includes: an 18-gauge galvanized steel shell, base plate and counter-flashing; factory-installed wood nailer; fully mitered end sections on two of three models; and internal bulkhead reinforcement.

Optional features include: additional height; heavier-gauge metal; construction to fit roof pitches; wood nailers up to 2 inches x 12 inches; pressure-treated wood nailers; and overhanging wood nailers. Supports for special applications include roller supports complete with painted roller, and 18-inch threaded rods, nuts and spring nuts. The support has a continuous wood nailer covered by removable counter-flashing.

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