Major Overhaul Afoot for South African Criminal Justice System

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — The criminal justice system here is set for a major overhaul in an effort to improve conviction rates and reduce overcrowding, according to the government.

The reform commitment from the government comes in the wake of a comprehensive review by the Ministry of Justice that identified several areas of fundamental dysfunction in the criminal justice system.

Less than 15 percent of arrests in South Africa result in conviction, and the report identified a lack of coordination between the Ministry of Justice, police, the National Prosecuting Authority, the Department of Correctional Services, and other agencies.

In addition to a lack of integrated strategic planning among stakeholders, the report highlighted a chronic shortage of critical staff, including detectives, forensic experts and social workers, as a fundamental weakness contributing to dysfunction within the system.

The government’s proposed strategy to improve the criminal justice system will focus on enhanced coordination and planning across departments, expanded training and recruitment, and improved resource management and allocation, officials say.

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