Calif. Prison Hospital Deal

STOCKTON, Calif. — State officials and the court-appointed receiver for state prison healthcare in California reached an agreement with the city of Stockton to construct a $900 million prison hospital.
The proposed California Medical Facility Stockton will incorporate more than 1,700 beds for state inmates with acute and chronic medical and mental health problems, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
The settlement brings an end to a 2009 lawsuit filed by local city and county leaders in opposition to the development, which will be located south of the city on the site of shuttered Karl Holton Youth Correctional Facility.
The 1.2 million-square-foot facility will occupy a 144-acre site secured by a 12-foot perimeter barrier and intrusion detection system, and would accommodate a comprehensive range of diagnostic and treatment capabilities and incorporate outdoor recreational space, officials say.
The massive medical center, which would cost an estimated $300 million a year to operate, is one three new correctional facilities planned for the area, with a purpose-built 500-bed re-entry facility for state inmates. An 1,133-bed dedicated mental health facility is also in the works, according to reports.
Construction of CMF Stockton will be financed through the $7.8 billion in funds previously set aside by state lawmakers under AB 900 to improve prison conditions and reduce overcrowding.

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