Cornerstone Web Site Wins International Award

TANNER, Ala. — Cornerstone Detention Products Inc. received the 2008 Standard of Excellence award for its Web site from Web Marketing Association.

Cornerstone’s site was recognized in the institutional services category of the award program for its copywriting, innovation, content, interactivity, navigation and use of technology. It also received points for ease of use.

The award is part of WebAwards, an annual international competition that judges company Web sites from 96 industries in 45 different countries.

The Web site, designed by Red Sage Communications, of Decatur, has helped increase the number of sales calls and create a greater international presence for Cornerstone, officials say.

Cornerstone provides engineering, design, distribution installation and project management of institutional detention equipment and products for jail and prisons at the federal, state, county, private and local level.

Shortly after going live, the Web site facilitated a large enough order in the institutional sales division to generate a return on investment for the company.

In other news, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office contracted with Cornerstone to provide a 70-unit video visitation system to improve safety, increase staffing efficiency and reduce contraband flows at the county jail in Atlanta.

The company integrated servers and software into the department’s network operations center. The $500,000 installation uses a fiber-optic network for high-speed connectivity.

“We anticipate a cost savings in manpower as well as an increase in the efficiency of our workforce,” says Saleem Sayani, the county’s assistant director of information technology. “Anytime we can minimize the movement of inmates, we increase safety for our staff and the public.”

The installation includes two officer control units and a public-access computer terminal to facilitate visit scheduling, registration and monitoring. The 16-unit public component is situated in a mobile building in the jail’s parking lot.

Inmates have access to 50 video units dispersed throughout each floor of the twin-tower jail. Two video units are stored on site as replacements.

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