NIC Announces Green Corrections Challenge
WASHINGTON — The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) announced the launch of the Green Corrections Challenge. The national competition asks participants to create environmentally friendly solutions to criminal justice problems in corrections, while also promoting innovation and encouraging the use of green practices and programming throughout the nation’s prisons, jails and community corrections facilities.
The challenge requires that entrants create a presentation (of 7 minutes or less), which addresses green corrections in one of the four following categories:
Correctional facilities: These entries will include solutions for energy use and efficiency, water and waste management, recycling programs, construction and other facilities management practices.
Education and training: These entries will highlight programs that educate offenders on the relevant skills, competencies and credentials required to support their transition to employment in a green economy.
Reentry programs: These entries will address sustainability efforts ranging from creating core business strategies for sustainable production, developing strategic partnerships with communities and businesses, and producing and distributing environmentally friendly products and services.
New green corrections concepts: These entries will provide new green skills and competencies or new green programs in areas that are not yet addressed in the other three categories.
Each entry should explain or demonstrate a proposed green practice, outline how it could be implemented, and explain its potential benefit to the community. The presentations will be judged on overall innovation of the program or practice, the ability to describe an innovative program or practice, the ability to demonstrate the success of a program or practice through measurable outcomes, and creativity and originality.
The challenge was created as a way to advance the future of green corrections work. It helps the field develop a corrections workforce that can adapt to the challenges of the nation’s need for green solutions to complex problems. It also encourages partnerships between correctional organizations and the communities they serve.
“Through the challenge, we’re looking for innovative green practices that can be replicated nationwide,” said Robert Brown, acting director of NIC in a statement. “We’re encouraging submissions that highlight strategies in cost containment as well as savings on energy and waste. We want solutions that can help corrections increase its use of green practices and better support America’s communities and our future.”
Only one presentation from each category will be selected as the most innovative idea. Winners will receive the opportunity to share their green corrections innovation in a webinar hosted by NIC. The deadline for submissions is Nov. 3, and winners will be announced on or before Nov. 21.
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