Communication Headset

Sena recently announced the launch of the all-new Cast Industrial Communication Headset, built to connect workers in demanding workplace environments.
Cast is a heavy-duty earmuff hearing protection device (28 dB NRR/34 dB SNR) with an integrated communication system. It can be worn over the head, or mounted onto a hardhat.
Cast features Sena’s renowned Mesh Intercom technology; workers can communicate, handsfree up to 4.4km apart, over the Mesh Intercom network. Cast also connects with two-way radios and smartphones.
Clear communication on high-noise job sites has been found to improve productivity by up to 30%, enhance workplace safety and boost employee morale.
Cast’s Advanced Noise Control technology, multiple powering options and robust design make clear communication a breeze in any industrial setting. Moreover, its innovative design incorporates outer speakers that capture ambient noise, ensuring safety in high-traffic areas