
Wayne County Jail Project Under New Guidance
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The Maintenance Management Triangle
There is a basic premise in photography called the Exposure Triangle. It is the combination of shutter speed, lens aperture and camera sensitivity that combine to make a good photo. Change any one of the three, and the other two must also change in proportion to ensure a quality image. Failing to make the correct adjustments leads to a poor image.
Oil Field Community Addresses Growing Crime with New Jail
MCKENZIE COUNTY, N.D. — North Dakota’s Bakken oil field region is an expansive boomtown. The region’s meteoric population growth began in the mid 2000s as oil companies flocked to the area, bringing with them throngs of new workers.
Q&A: Design Roundtable
Correctional News interviewed leading architects about the current trends and future challenges of the correctional building industry. Gerald Guerrero, AIA, senior vice president for CGL; Mike Retford, vice president, west regional leader of justice for HOK; and Darrell Stelling, AIA, principal for DLR Group each shared valuable industry knowledge from the design perspective. Here are some of the questions they answered that didn’t make the design roundtable article being published in the January/February issue. Stay tuned for the full feature in January.
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
Sustainable Community-Based Design
Well, we did end 2012 proving the Mayans were not infallible forecasters and that the most ineffective Congress on record could be prodded into action by a threat of two straight days of showing up. We also took timid, but hugely significant steps towards becoming more “European” in our national incarceration rate as we achieved the lowest in three decades.
Plans Move Ahead in Georgia for Jail and Courthouse Project
FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — A lot of change is set to happen in Forsyth County, as plans are moving forward on a major construction project.
Crossing Borders: International Corrections in Mexico City
Whether the electronic or the paper version is your preference, you probably have noticed that many newspapers offer more extensive international news coverage than in past years. The New York Times devoted the first several pages to international matters long before we understood that the value of the euro mattered as much as that of the dollar.
Trendspotting: Learning by Doing
Project Delivery through Volunteerism
Rio Claro, Costa Rica